About Us
Let Go and Feel Free provides holistic healing and guidance for mid-career individuals who are impacted by painful memories and not fully processed experiences (of grief, trauma, anger, worry and heartbreak) that are impacting their current relationships and way of living.
You know you can’t change the past. By identifying what you’d like in your life, I can support you in releasing the pain attached to the past experiences and emotions, you can let go and let the memory fade. Now focusing on holistically having the life and relationships you want in your life to live fully.
Ever wonder when your life will be easier?
There’s a simple answer.
Yes, you can experience ease NOW.
Today you’re holding on to experiences from your past you haven’t been able to let go of. It’s as if the past is holding you captive.
When you aren’t able to release the emotions, they stay in your body and create imbalances. You’ll be able to let go when your body processes your emotions from your past.
These imbalances show up as physical or emotional symptoms. The imbalances can stay in your body indefinitely. You may not even remember what the experience was, yet your body will remember the imbalance.
These imbalances show up physically or in your relationships. Many people I work with express symptoms of disappointment or worry in their life or about the past. They express anger, sadness or fear about not feeling in control of their lives. There are even situations they can’t recall that cause annoyance or resentment. How can you change the cycle?
Are you experiencing any of these imbalances?
Physical Imbalance
Food cravings or emotional eating
Anxiety and worry about your past
Anger or resentment
Mental and emotional pain
Sadness or empathy
PTSD or traumatic military experiences
Relationship Imbalance
Traumatic or abusive relationships
Loss of a partner or divorce
Military relationships or authority
Sexual harassment
Fear of new relationships
Annoyance toward others
Yes, you can experience ease NOW.
Today you’re holding on to experiences from your past you haven’t been able to let go of. It’s as if the past is holding you captive.
When you aren’t able to release the emotions, they stay in your body and create imbalances. You’ll be able to let go when your body processes your emotions from your past.
These imbalances show up as physical or emotional symptoms. The imbalances can stay in your body indefinitely. You may not even remember what the experience was, yet your body will remember the imbalance.
These imbalances show up physically or in your relationships. Many people I work with express symptoms of disappointment or worry in their life or about the past. They express anger, sadness or fear about not feeling in control of their lives. There are even situations they can’t recall that cause annoyance or resentment. How can you change the cycle?
Are you experiencing any of these imbalances?
How can you change the cycle?
I personally suffered these same imbalances for years, my life felt out of sync. Through my own healing, I learned it’s possible to shed years of unpleasant memories and experiences. My life has improved immeasurably, and my mission is to bring this effortless process of release to others.
The Emotion Code alternative healing process enables you to release the energetic vibration of the trauma in your body without relieving the event. You can release the imbalance even when you haven’t been able to release through other treatments. For the instances when you can’t recall when the imbalance happened, it’s because you can carry the imbalance since early childhood or it’s been ancestrally handed down through your DNA.
I guide you to move past being held hostage. I help release the past experiences so you can discover new opportunities waiting for you to fully connect in all your relationships. And I guide you to pivot to new opportunities with courage to discover the joyful child within.
To learn more about the Emotion Code and my process click here.
To see if you’re a good candidate for this treatment, click on the link here for a 20-minute complimentary session.
To learn more about the results my clients have experienced, click here.
What is Emotion Code?
While you’re living your life, you have experiences where your body processes the experience and messages or emotions appear as a response to life events. When you’re distracted or not able to process your emotions, the emotions in the experience can be ignored to process at another time.
The experiences you have can have an impact on your memory. When you push the emotions down in your body because you choose not to process them, your body carries the experience and the energetic vibration of the emotion. All emotions vibrate have a vibrational frequency. Each body organ also has a vibrational frequency. Consider the vibrational energy of your stomach, kidneys, liver, heart, or colon. Each organ has an energetic vibration.
Over time, the emotions you choose not to process, will accumulate and cause inflammation within your body. The vibration frequency also expands. When you’re feeling emotions of overwhelm, worry, heartbreak, grief, fear, anger, insecurity, and abandonment, the emotions are signaling messages to be processed. When you are feeling discomfort in your body, it’s telling you it’s time to process emotions you have not fully processed from an experience and to release it.
You decide whether to revisit an emotion. If it’s painful, and you don’t want to relive the memory, the emotions are protecting you by building energetic walls around your organs. This barrier impacts your relationships, connections and communication with others. Imagine a ball of rubber bands energetically protecting your body organs. This is the time to consider a heart wall clearing before the bands snap and you have health experiences requiring immediate care.
The heart wall clearing is safe and confidential. The first clearing takes 45-60 minutes. You’ll feel the release. The best part is you don’t have to share any of your memory details. The emotions will be released permanently. The memory of the past experience dissipates.
How do you know when it’s time to release the emotions? Your body communicates that it’s ready to release them. If your heart isn’t ready to release emotions, you can release emotions that are elsewhere in the body. Your body tells me if you’re ready to release emotions or a heart wall.
Dr. Bradley Nelson developed the Emotion Code energetic healing. Here is a video describing Emotion Code:
Releasing trapped emotions using The Emotion Code™ or any other type of Energy Healing, whether in person or by proxy, is not a substitute for medical care. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information given to you is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional. If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider. Energy Healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized as a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care.
1. Emotion Code sessions are strictly confidential.
2. Your personal information will never be shared with anyone.
3. Karen makes no claims as to healing or recovery from any illness. No guarantee is made towards validity. Use this information at your own risk.
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Energy healing can help achieve improvement in all areas of life.
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